@extends('dashboard.layouts.default') @section('content') {!! Form::open(['url' => url('subscriptions/payment'), 'method' => 'post', 'id'=>'payment_form']) !!} £ {{ $subscription->amount }} @if($subscription->user_type == 'private student') per {{$subscription_duration }} @endif @if($subscription->user_type == 'private student')Join our online group tuition with KayScience video access @endif @if($subscription->user_type == 'student') Our grade 8-9 money back guarantee Unlimited videos for your specification Download the KayScience Android and iPhone app 1000s of self marking questions Access to all our exam practice booklets and past papers KayScience is cheaper than one private tuition season! @else Minimum of 4 online live tuition sessions per week Biology, chemistry, physics and maths tuition Delivered by expert and experienced teachers with a track record of success 850+ videos with exam practice booklets and quizzes @endif KayScience Terms & Conditions | Privacy Notice {!! Form::hidden('first_name', $student->fname ?? '') !!} {!! Form::hidden('last_name', $student->lname ?? '') !!} {!! Form::hidden('email', $student->user->email ?? '') !!} Email: {{$student->user->email}} 0 {{$subscription->name}}: £ {{ $subscription->amount }} @if(!isset($price_id)) {!! Form::text('coupon_code','', ['class' => 'form-control border_field','placeholder'=>'Discount code','id'=>'promo_code']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('subscription',$subscription->id, ['id'=>'subscription']) !!} Apply code @endif @if($subscription) @if($subscription_type=='private_student') Student name {{ $student->fname.' '.$student->lname }} @else @endif {{ $subscription->name }} £ {{ $subscription->amount}} Click To Use Discount Code Coupon discounts: {{ $coupon_code }} - £ {{ number_format($discount_price,2) }} Total:£ {{ $total_price}} @endif Card Information {!! Form::text('cardholder-name', '', ['class' => 'form-control','placeholder'=>'Name on card','id'=>'cardholder-name']) !!} @if(isset($price_id)) @endif @if(isset($subscription_id)) Subscribe @else Pay Now Confirm @endif This is a secure checkout processed by {!! Form::close() !!} @endsection @push('page-scripts')
Student name {{ $student->fname.' '.$student->lname }}
{{ $subscription->name }} £ {{ $subscription->amount}}
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