@extends('dashboard.layouts.default') @section('content')
{!! Form::open(['url' => url('subscriptions/payment'), 'method' => 'post', 'id'=>'payment_form']) !!}

£ {{ $subscription->amount }} @if($subscription->user_type == 'private student') per {{$subscription_duration }} @endif

@if($subscription->user_type == 'private student')
Join our online group tuition with KayScience video access
@endif @if($subscription->user_type == 'student')
  • Our grade 8-9 money back guarantee
  • Unlimited videos for your specification
  • Download the KayScience Android and iPhone app
  • 1000s of self marking questions
  • Access to all our exam practice booklets and past papers
  • KayScience is cheaper than one private tuition season!
  • Minimum of 4 online live tuition sessions per week
  • Biology, chemistry, physics and maths tuition
  • Delivered by expert and experienced teachers with a track record of success
  • 850+ videos with exam practice booklets and quizzes
KayScience Terms & Conditions | Privacy Notice
{!! Form::hidden('first_name', $student->fname ?? '') !!} {!! Form::hidden('last_name', $student->lname ?? '') !!} {!! Form::hidden('email', $student->user->email ?? '') !!} Email: {{$student->user->email}}
  {{$subscription->name}}: £ {{ $subscription->amount }}
{!! Form::text('coupon_code','', ['class' => 'form-control border_field','placeholder'=>'Discount code','id'=>'promo_code']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('subscription',$subscription->id, ['id'=>'subscription']) !!}
@if($subscription) @if($subscription_type=='private_student') @else @endif
£ {{ $total_price}}
Card Information
{!! Form::text('cardholder-name', '', ['class' => 'form-control','placeholder'=>'Name on card','id'=>'cardholder-name']) !!}
@if(isset($price_id)) @endif @if(isset($subscription_id)) @else @endif

This is a secure checkout processed by

{!! Form::close() !!}
@endsection @push('page-scripts')