@extends('layout.default') @section('content') {!! Form::open(['url' => url('tutor/subscriptions/payment'), 'method' => 'post', 'id'=>'payment_form']) !!} @include('layout.left-ads') Achieve grades 9-8 or your money back when you sign up to a 12 month KayScience subscription: 800+ Biology, Chemistry & Physics videos An app to use on any device 1000s of self-marking quiz questions Exam-question booklets for every topic Exam-questions & answers in every video Physics formula practice to get exam ready 12 month subscription cheaper than one tuition session! {!! Form::hidden('first_name', $tutor->fname ?? '') !!} {!! Form::hidden('last_name', $tutor->lname ?? '') !!} {!! Form::hidden('email', $tutor->email ?? '') !!} Email: {{$tutor->email}} Please view and agree to our Terms & Conditions before making a purchase Your Subscription @if($subscription) @if($subscription_type=='student') Student name {{ $studentDt->fname.' '.$studentDt->lname }} @endif {{ $subscription->name }} £ {{ $subscription->amount}} Click To Use Discount Code {!! Form::text('coupon_code','', ['class' => 'form-control','placeholder'=>'Enter discount code','id'=>'promo_code']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('subscription',$subscription->id, ['id'=>'subscription']) !!} Apply Cancel Coupon discounts: {{ $coupon_code }} - £ {{ number_format($discount_price,2) }} Total: £ {{ $total_price }} @endif Add Card Details {!! Form::text('cardholder-name', '', ['class' => 'form-control','placeholder'=>'Card Holder Name*','id'=>'cardholder-name']) !!} This is a secure checkout processed by Pay Now Pay Now @include('layout.right-ads') {!! Form::close() !!} @endsection @push('page-css') @endpush @push('page-scripts')
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